Tuesday, June 17, 2008

From the Concord Monitor

Concord Monitor columnist Katy Burns addresses Congressman Paul Hodes' abuse of taxpayer dollars by sending out franked mail at taxpayer expense:

Democrats behaving badly

Paul Hodes is a very smart guy. From all accounts he was a terrific lawyer. And when he went to Washington to represent New Hampshire's 2nd District in Congress, other members of his freshman class elected him president. I am not sure exactly what that means, but it sure sounds as if they, too, were pretty impressed with their fellow newcomer.

So why on earth is he sending outrageously over-produced glossy, full color barely disguised campaign brochures as franked - that is to say, taxpayer-financed - mail?

So far there have been, according to Union Leader reporter John DiStaso, nine of the things, including three in about a month. (We've received only seven. Should I be miffed?) The last, touting all that Hodes is allegedly doing to help his constituents deal with skyrocketing gas prices, set us taxpayers back a cool $59,236, says DiStaso.

Sure, in times when we're blowing $3 billion a week in Iraq, that's small beans. But it's a surprisingly arrogant move for a new legislator. And at least a few of his constituents are bound to compare these slick pieces with former congressman Charlie Bass's boring announcements of such mundane matters as town meetings on cheap paper with black ink.

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