Wednesday, June 4, 2008

From and AP

UPDATE- From the Associated Press

N.H. candidates begin filing for office

CONCORD, N.H.—Republican Grant Bosse (BOSS-ee) was at the head of a line of about 15 candidates waiting at the door in Concord, New Hampshire, when the filing period for political candidates began Wednesday morning.

Bosse -- of Hillsborough -- is one of four Republicans expected to seek their party's nomination to oppose Democratic U.S. Representative Paul Hodes in New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District. Bosse said his priorities are national defense, defending borders and minimizing government interference in the economy.

The primary election is September 9. The filing period runs through next Friday.

Brian Lawson at writes about Grant being the first candidate in the state of New Hampshire to file his candidacy.

This year, congressional candidate Grant Bosse was the first candidate to file. Bosse showed up at State House at 6am, minutes before Commissioner Carol Holden. Holden was the first to file in 2006.

"I wanted to get up early and show that we'll be working harder than anyone for the seat," Bosse said.

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