Friday, August 15, 2008

Bosse: $10.5 Billion in Savings, Opponents: $0

(Hillsboro) Republican Grant Bosse today topped $10.5 billion in the innovative “50 Days, 50 Ways to Cut Federal Spending” Initiative. Bosse called for the elimination of three more corporate welfare programs as his fifty day crusade against wasteful federal spending reached the halfway mark. Meanwhile, his Republican opponents failed to name a single dollar they would cut from the federal budget.

“If we’re going to rebuild the Taxpayer Majority that has been the foundation of every Republican victory in our lifetimes, we need to tell voters exactly where we’re willing to cut the federal budget,” Bosse added. “I’ve already proposed more than $10.5 billion in annual savings, while my opponents couldn’t find a single program that they would vote against.”

Bosse outlined “50 Days, 50 Ways” at Thursday night’s Nashua Republican Committee Town Hall Meeting, promising more than $30 billion in real spending cuts by the end of the Republican Primary. Despite a question asking how they would control spending, neither Bob Clegg, Jennifer Horn, nor Jim Steiner could name a single federal dollar in savings they would support.

Bosse is calling for the elimination of three additional corporate welfare programs that provide taxpayer subsidies to private business. Bosse would eliminate the $28 million Export Enhancement Program, the $30 million Minority Business Development Agency, and the $53 million Market Access Program.

“American business should be free to prosper without Congressional interference, and without fear that Congress is underwriting their competition. We can’t afford corporate welfare,” Bosse added. “I am willing to stand up to this wasteful spending. It’s surprising my opponents are unwilling to support even a single dollar in cuts from our $3 trillion federal budget.”

To date, Bosse has proposed more than $10.5 billion in taxpayer savings by eliminating unnecessary federal programs. To learn more about Bosse’s aggressive grassroots campaign, go to

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