Friday, August 22, 2008

Bosse Sets Priorities for Federal Spending

“50 Days, 50 Ways” Approaches $20 Billion

(Concord) Republican Grant Bosse today called for more an additional $800 million in savings as his groundbreaking “50 Days, 50 Ways to Cut Federal Spending” Initiative approached $20 billion in annual savings to taxpayers. Bosse called for the elimination of the Economic Development Administration, the consolidation of Military Exchanges, and level funding of the Federal Building Fund.

“At a time when Americans are facing touch choices on how to stretch their paychecks, I don’t think it’s too much to ask of the federal government to hold the line on new building construction,” Bosse said. “Tough times call for touch choices. Congress should also set priorities for its spending.”

The Economic Development Administration spends $201 million a year, supposedly to generate job growth in “depressed areas”, but its funds are regularly raided by Members of Congress seeking to send tax dollars back to their supporters. The Pentagon currently operates three separate Military Exchanges, one for the Army and Air Force, one for the Navy, and another for the Marines. Consolidating these into a single Military Exchange would save $76 million a year without affecting the goods and services available to our military forces. The Federal Building Fund is a revolving loan fund that receives payments from federal agencies as well as Congressional Appropriations. Funding it at 2005 levels would save an estimated $552 million dollars.

“These three programs certainly aren’t the sexiest targets for budget savings, but making these changes will lead to real savings for American taxpayers.” Bosse added. “It’s time we elected budget hawks who are willing to tackle out-of-control spending, and who pay more than lip service to cutting the federal budget.”

To date, Bosse has proposed $19,995,700,000 in taxpayer savings by eliminating unnecessary federal programs. To learn more about Bosse’s aggressive grassroots campaign, go to

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